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Create purpose-driven change through your product.


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Build Game-Changing Products

Why Radical Product Thinking?

Iteration rules product development, but it isn’t enough to produce dramatic results. Too many good products become bloated, fragmented, directionless, and driven by irrelevant metrics. Radical Product Thinking helps you avoid these “product diseases” by giving you clarity around your vision and strategy, which drives prioritization, and execution.

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Product Management

If you want to level up one or more product teams.

Digital Transformation

If you're transforming to build user-centric products.


If you're building a new product or entering a new market.

Product Ethics

If you want to build equitable products.

Radical Product Resources

Innovate Smarter

Start working with the radical product methodology, the book and the toolkit will guide you through strategic exercises with your team. If you need hands-on help, we're here for you.

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This book belongs on the shelf of every leader innovator.

- Daniel H. Pink, Author of “DRIVE, WHEN, and TO SELL IS HUMAN”

A great methodical process for radical product innovation so you can avoid the trap of making incremental optimizations that lead to local, myopic maxima.

- Giorgos Zacharia, President, Kayak
Radical Product Talks



Frequently Asked Questions

What is Radical Product Thinking?

Radical Product Thinking (RPT) is a methodology that helps you build world-changing products systematically. Instead of being iteration-led, it helps you become vision-driven and translate a concept into reality step-by-step through the five elements of RPT: Vision, Strategy, Prioritization, Execution & Measurement, and Culture. You can get the free toolkit, read about the RPT approach in the book, and book trainings.

Who is Radhika Dutt?

Radhika Dutt is the author of Radical Product Thinking: The New Mindset for Innovating Smarter which has been translated into several languages including Chinese and Japanese. She is an entrepreneur and product leader who has participated in four acquisitions, two of which were companies that she founded. She advises organizations from high-tech startups to government agencies on building radical products that create a fundamental change. Radhika has built products in a wide range of industries including broadcast, media and entertainment, telecom, advertising technology, government, consumer apps, robotics, and even wine. She graduated from MIT with an SB and M.Eng in Electrical Engineering, and speaks nine languages.

Why should I choose the RPT Methodology?

Radical Product Thinking (RPT) helps you build successful products systematically. When you innovate, you have 2-3 pivots before you run out of either money or momentum. You need to use the few pivots you have carefully and deliberately. RPT helps you translate your vision into action very methodically so you iterate less and achieve more. RPT is being used around the world by a wide range of organizations including startups, multinationals, and government agencies. You can learn more about RPT from the blog, book trainings and read the Radical Product Thinking book.

Can I use Lean and Agile methodologies together with Radical Product Thinking?

Yes! Lean and Agile give you speed. But speed can look like chaos when everyone moves fast in different directions. Radical Product Thinking helps you define your direction before you launch into execution. It helps you align your organization so you have velocity (i.e. speed plus direction). Use RPT to craft a clear vision and strategy and to translate those into priorities. You can use Lean and Agile for fast, hypothesis-driven execution.

How is the Radical Product Thinking training different?

Radical Product Thinking gives you hands on training for tangible business outcomes. The training workshops will help you develop a shared vision and systematically translate it into your strategy, priorities, and Agile execution and measurement. Deliver business outcomes by turning your shared vision into reality. Take a look at our trainings.

How do I write a RDCL strategy? Can I get the toolkit for free?

A good strategy is actionable, centered on your user’s needs, communicates your rationale, and guides your iterations. You can craft such a strategy using the RDCL Strategy template (pronounced ‘radical’). Learn more about what makes a RDCL Strategy and download the free toolkit.

What training is needed for a product manager?

The best product managers have skills beyond A/B testing and optimizing for metrics. They’re able to take ownership of the product vision and develop a comprehensive and actionable product strategy. Most importantly, they communicate their rationale for prioritization and decision-making so that they can spread their influence across the organization without having to attend every meeting. These skills are often hard to learn on the job because of the everyday focus on tactical execution. But you can level up your product team to take on a more strategic role by booking a Radical Product Thinking training.

RPT Certification